Music Video Final

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Thursday, 21 April 2011

Music Video Screening at School

At school the media department organised to showcase both the AS and A2 productions in the school hall, we were able to invite not only the lower years of the school and teachers, but also friends from outside of school would wanted to see what we had created.

Dominique from our group introduced our music video to the audience before it started, she said:

The audience were given sheets of paper on which they could give feedback about each groups music video. The questions on the sheet were: We created our music video to Teenage Dream by Katy Perry. After many narrative changes we finally decided to create a performance based video. in our music video we wanted to portray time and how quickly youth grow up. The female protagonist is shown from childhood to early stages of adulthood.

1) Please give details about what you like about our music video
2) What is your favourite part of our music video and why?

Below is a Prezi of just a few of the feedback sheets from the screening:

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Newest Edit..

The first video is of the opening photos of Kayla which we re filmed. We wanted to show the progression of her getting older and growing up and therefore decided to use the stop animation of the photos to show her growing up from a baby to present day:

This is our latest edit of our music video we have changed the opening shots and included the music video credits even though they are not finished. We have also edited in the sped up clock when Kayla is getting changed:

Time Clock Video

Here is just a quick clip that I made on iMovie to show how we increased the speed of the clock. The first two speeds we were able to increase in iMovie, However the final two speeds were created in final cut express as in iMovie you can not exceed a certain speed limit. Whereas in final cut express you are able to increase the speed to a much faster pace.

Friday, 1 April 2011

Video Inspiration

When it came to editing our music video we felt that the transvestite idea was too confusing for the audience and people thought that the extreme close up shots of the boy applying mascara and eyeshadow was the performer.
We then decided to change our music video to a performance base video which was inspired by Alexis Jordan- Good Girl, this makes the audience can connect to the performer. We have decided to make time the main theme of our video so we can portray how quickly youth is growing up in todays society, we will show the artist growing up by the seventeen photographs in the beginning showing the artist as a baby, toddler, child, teenager and then early adult.

In the music video we will show the artist getting ready to go clubbing which shows that she is in the early stages of adulthood, we will use a variety of make up styles, hairstyles and clothes to make the mise-en-scene appeal to the female audience who mainly listen to mainstream pop. We want our artist to get ready and perform in her bedroom this was inspired by Taylor Swift- Belong With Me music video. We feel like our new idea will make more sense to the audience and it will appeal to our female target audience.

Although our video is mainly performance based, our video is similar to the video by Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me. However we are not showing the girl finding a boyfriend but just our artist getting ready for a night out.

We created an animated storyboard of the first one minute and twenty five seconds of the song, we made the storyboard to show our new narrative ideas. With the longer shots in the music video we will change the angles or the characters placement. Creating the storyboard has helped us to create new ideas for shots, for the rest of the music video. We labeled each shot in the story which has the different camera shots and the location of the shots.
Below is the our animated storyboard.

Lastest Version of our Music Video

Here is the latest edited version of our music video, we have removed all of the shots of Lewis and taken completely taken out the narrative of a transvestite.
We are now creating a more simple narrative of a girl, Kayla getting ready for a night out.

What we need to change:
- To improve the narrative further we are going change the stop animation of the photographs to photos of Kayla from a child to today.

- At 2:35 where the shot zooms into the door we are going to film a clock and speed it up to represent the passing of time as she changes.

- The jump cuts of Kayla changing also need to be sharpened up to fit more to the beat (2:31).

- We also want to change the nail varnish stop animation to include more nail colours so that we can speed it up and play it quicker to the beat of the song.

- Also the opening of the song which has the laptop where we play the song, we are going to change it to and a person selecting the song on their iPod.

Our Music Video

Here is an edited version of our music video. When have begun to try and create a more of performance based narrative but still included some of the shots of Lewis as well as Kayla (the artist).

Our Performance Video - Behind the Scenes

Below is a behind the scenes video of how we styled and created the hairstyle in our music video:

Changing Video Idea - Performance Video

After continuing to watch our music video we have decided to change to slightly change the concept of our music video. We are now going to have our video as mainly performance. After showing our music video to people they found the transvestite narrative very confusing and did not follow the narrative.
Therefore, we are now going base our video mainly around the performance of the artist and have a more simple narrative.

Here are some examples of pop performance videos: